Browse Items (37 total)

Gravestone with "Floyd" on green grass with a red background. "Your Life Mattered" is written in blue above it. Beside this is a tree with trunks made of arms and leaves made of hands. An earth and the words, "Change is Coming," sit beside the…

Several posters in blue and white showing an image of Bob Kroll with text reading "KROLL AND HIS MPD UNION MUST GO." Two of the posters have "Racist Coward" written on Kroll's forehead.

Kroll was president of the Police Officers Federation of…

3-D letters in black and purple reading "FLOYD" with highlights and abstract aqua shapes in the background.

3-D block letters reading "JUSTICE FOR GEORGE." The letter "o" is a peace symbol. Smaller text to the sides reads "#ICAN'TBREATHE" and "#BLM."

Located on Dogwood Coffee Co.

A black and white poster with a collage of images showing natural disasters/police brutality/Covid-19/smiling white newscasters accompanied by text reading "Bienvenidos Dystopia/In the United States of America in the Future..."

Black tag, "BLACK LIVES MATTER" and a red "FUCK 12"

A stenciled portrait of George Floyd's face, rendered in shades of blue.

Three panels on plywood covering windows facing a major avenue and the site of protests in St. Paul. The first panel reads "CHANGE MUST COME." The second panel is a powerful portrait of George Floyd against a solid purple background. The third panel…

Text reading "COPS KILL" in large black letters with a drawing of a pig, it's eyes made with the letter "x."

Located on the Target in Dinkytown, Minneapolis, near the University of Minnesota.

A play on the iconic image from Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing (1989), Radio Raheem with outstretched brass knuckles reading "LOVE" & "MPLS." Additional text reads #Justice for George Floyd.
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