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  • Tags: Graffiti

Graffiti written in pink script on a stone façade reading "La police tue!" (The police kill!)

Plywood covering a window is marked with text reading "Your White Tears Will Find No Comfort Here," and, smaller, "RIP George." In a panel on the neighboring window, a Black woman behind a desk labeled Ms. Resist casually sips from a cup labeled…

Text reading "COPS KILL" in large black letters with a drawing of a pig, it's eyes made with the letter "x."

Located on the Target in Dinkytown, Minneapolis, near the University of Minnesota.

3-D block letters reading "JUSTICE FOR GEORGE." The letter "o" is a peace symbol. Smaller text to the sides reads "#ICAN'TBREATHE" and "#BLM."

Located on Dogwood Coffee Co.

Stenciled calligraffiti reading "George Floyd."
Located on The Cove.

Large bubble letters reading FLOYD with 3-D quality. Smaller text reading "RIP" and "BLM."

Across from Target

Bold black text reading RIP FLOYD BLM, with white shadows and dripping red blood. Painted on plywood covering windows of an used auto shop.

Large blue text reading "We Fight Back" (situated next to "I Can't Breathe").

Large blue text reading "I Can't Breath" spray-painted on plywood on a boarded up bank (Bank Cherokee)
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