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Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 30 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is an image of the Memorial Fence and the Washington Monument behind it. There are a bike, chairs, coolers, protesters, and bags that are in front of the fence. People are in front of the fence and one is holding a poster protesting. Multiple posters read “Stop Killing Us” “Pay A Black Woman Today” “Black Lives Matter” “Resist “We are the Majority” “Black Power” “Defeat White Supremacy” “Sex Is Great But Have You Ever Fucked The System” “ Fuck Your Fence “ We See Another Black Man Murdered” Imagine Justice” “Just Love” “Beware of the Dog” “Black Trans Lives Matter” “Trump Is A Danger To Us All” “White silence Fuels Domestic [illegible]” “#DefundMPD EndSARS” “Fuck Your Fence” “Join Campaign Zero” “#Say Their Names” “White Supremacy is Deadly” “State of Injustice” “Protect Democracy From GOP” “Jesus knows Black Lives Need More Than Thoughts & Prayers”. There is also a Mexican flag hanging from the stoplight and a flag that reads “Fuck Trump” There is a poster with a drawing of two black power fists raised and Colin Kaepernick taking a knee. There is a mask of Donald Trump with a Hitler mustache drawn on and a drawing of Breonna Taylor. There are protestors in front of the fence sitting and standing, and one person is holding a flag and waving it.
Multiple posters read “Abolish Prisons Save Black Lives” “Quit your job, MPD! You class traitor fascist evil racist sexist asswipes!!” “Defund MPD” “Defend Black Lives” “Black Lives Matter”
There is a transgender flag on the fence which is pink, white, and blue and reads “Black Trans Lives Matter."
There is a painted image of a man with blue white and black paint with his eyes closed that reads “Free Your Mind.” There are small quotes written on the poster that read “Black futures matter” “Black joy matters” “No human is illegal on stolen land” “Black Trans Lives Matter! “BLM 4 Ever” “Stop Killing Us -Laiah Ban[illegible]” “Just. Be. Kind.” “Seriously” “Why Do You Hate Black People So Much” “Black Men We Love You!” There are two other images on the poster that are too blurry to determine.
A poster reads “Think Outside Your Carceral State of Mind Imagine Abolition”
There is a poster that has a drawing of a US postage mail box. Underneath this is another poster that has been washed out and the only legible word is “Badge”.
There is a poster that has a black power fist which was painted in different colors that are navy, purple, green, pink, orange, and light blue.
There is a close-up of the fabrics and shows four different pieces hanging on a string on the fence with different patterns and colors and writing on them. They are orange, purple, black/white, and a red checkered pattern. Respectively there is a small white square in the middle of the fabric squares and they read “Carlos Alcis 1970-2013” “Frankie Ann Perkins 1997” “Remember Them” “Dreasjon Reed 1999-2020” “Larry Eugene Jackson Jr.”
There are fifteen pieces of fabric that are hanging on a string on the fence with different patterns and colors and writing on them. They read “Alisia Tromae” “Laquan McDonald” “Manuel ‘Mannie’ Ellis” “William Howard Green Jr.” “Chad Robertson” “Michael Lee Marshall” “Carlos Alcis” “Frankie Ann Perkins 1997” “Remember Them” “Dreasjon Reed 1999-2020” “Larry Eugene Jackson Jr.” “Deborah C
The poster is a lavender color and an image of an eye in the middle with a teardrop as the pupil and circles extending outwards from the eye and it reads “We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For” encircling the eye.
There is a poster that reads “A…racisthomophobiczenophobicislamophobiclyingthievingunfaithfulconnivingunpatriotccowardlydumballegedpedophileallegedrapistmisoginisticcrankydimwittedcravendaughter-oglingsmall-handedwhoringvaingreedydraft-dodgingwhinyAFman-baby……says what?” and it has an image of Donald Trump’s head on it with a speech bubble coming from him that reads “What?” and in the corner of the poster reads “Biden 20[star symbol]” On Donald Trump’s head is a black square and a red swastika and reads “Secure Your Place In The Future”
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 28 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is an image of the Memorial Fence and the Washington Monument. Behind it there are a bike, chairs, coolers, protesters, and bags that are in front of the fence. There are people are in front of the fence and one is holding a poster protesting. Multiple posters read “Stop Killing Us” “Pay A Black Woman Today” “Black Lives Matter” “Resist “We are the Majority” “Black Power” “Defeat White Supremacy” “Sex Is Great But Have You Ever Fucked The System” “ Fuck Your Fence “ We See Another Black Man Murdered” Imagine Justice” “Just Love” “Beware of the Dog” “Black Trans Lives Matter” “Trump Is A Danger To Us All” “White silence Fuels Domestic [illegible]” “#DefundMPD EndSARS” “Fuck Your Fence” “Join Campaign Zero” “#Say Their Names” “White Supremacy is Deadly” “State of Injustice” “Protect Democracy From GOP” “Jesus knows Black Lives Need More Than Thoughts & Prayers”. There is also a Mexican flag hanging from the stoplight and a flag that reads “Fuck Trump.” There is a poster with a drawing of two black power fists raised and Colin Kaepernick taking a knee. There is a mask of Donald Trump with a Hitler mustache drawn on and a drawing of Breonna Taylor.
Multiple posters read “Breonna Taylor” “Say Their Names” “Back Lives Matter Matter Matter” “Say His Name” “Bring Our Soldiers Back” “Solidarity Not Sympathy” “The People Have Spoken!!” “If Your Religious Beliefs Oppose Contraception, Don’t Use It” “Black Power Matters” “Racial Justice = Climate Justice” “Class Dismissed Betsy!! #OnBehalfOfALLTeachers” “Divided We Fall.”
Many posters read “Black Trans Lives Matter” and the posters are in the colors of the transgender flag or the American flag.
Some flowers have been placed on the fence themselves.
There is a painting that shows a cityscape and there are three hammers on top of each other that are held by black hands. These hammers are breaking a police badge that is cracked open and reveals an American dollar bill.
There is a poster that is painted like an upside-down American flag that has two shadow hands that are painted on it.
A poster that is falling down reads “I went to John Marshall Elem. School 50 yrs. Ago with the Day twins. 20 years before Sandra Day O’Connor was appointed to the Supreme Court.”
Multiple posters read Black Lives Matter Matter Matter” and “Eyes Open”. The second poster is a lavender color and an image of an eye in the middle with a teardrop as the pupil and circles extending outwards from the eye.
A poster reads “Environmental Justice because Black Lives Matter
There is a poster that reads “Black Women’s Lives Matter #SayHerName” and around the border of the poster are the names of women who have been victims of police brutality and it reads “Sandra Bland – Breonna Taylor – Shelly Frey – Kendra Ja[illegible] – Kayla [illegible] – Tanisha Anderson – Michelle Cusseaux – Alberta Spruill – Rekia Boyd – Sharmel Edwards – LaTanya Haggerty – Gabriella Nevarez – Shantel Davis – Malissa Williams – Miriam Carey”
There is a cardboard poster that reads “No Justice No Peace” with “Justice” and “Peace” painted in red to stand out and has two black power fists painted on it.
Black Lives MatterBlack Lives Matter Memorial FenceBlack Trans Lives Matterdefend black lives...7 more
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 23 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is an apartment building that has two large posters on them. One has a painted image of Ruth Bader Ginsberg on it and it reads “Fight For The Things You Care About.” And next to this is an image of a black woman with her fist raised and is wearing a cape. The woman’s shirt on the poster reads “My Voice Is My Super Power” and the poster itself reads “Vital Voices”.
There is an image of the Memorial Fence, the White House, and the Washington Monument behind it and there is a bike, chairs, coolers, and bags that are in front of the fence. People are in front of the fence and one is holding a poster protesting. Multiple posters read “Stop Killing Us” “Pay A Black Woman Today” “Black Lives Matter” “Resist “We are the Majority” “Black Trans Lives Matter” “Trump Is A Danger To Us All” “White silence Fuels Domestic [illegible]” “#DefundMPD EndSARS” “Fuck Your Fence” “Join Campaign Zero” “#Say Their Names” “Jesus knows Black Lives Need More Than Thoughts & Prayers”.
There is a blue poster with an image of a black woman in a yellow dress and black heeled shoes running to an outline of a boy lying on the ground crying out the words that read “mama” and this is on a blue background. On the far right of the same poster are the numbers “8:46”
There is another image of the fence with posters that reads “Say Their Names” “Fuck Your Racist ass Grandma” LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL not some” “Reclaiming our… time. History. Choices. SPACE.” “DEFUND the POLICE” “DEFUND MPD” “Defend Black Lives and many others, but they are unable to be read due to the angle of the photo. There is a large white tapestry that reads “Fuck Trump” and other statements that read “Eyes On You” and “Rising” and six multicolored flowers painted on.
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 22 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is an image of the Memorial Fence and the Washington Monument behind it and there is a bike, chairs, coolers, and bags that are in front of the fence. People are in front of the fence and one is holding a poster protesting. Multiple posters read “Stop Killing Us” “Pay A Black Woman Today” “Black Lives Matter” “Resist “We are the Majority” “Black Trans Lives Matter” “Trump Is A Danger To Us All” “White silence Fuels Domestic [illegible]” “#DefundMPD EndSARS” “Fuck Your Fence” “Join Campaign Zero” “#Say Their Names” “Jesus knows Black Lives Need More Than Thoughts & Prayers”. There is also a Mexican flag hanging from the stoplight
A poster reads “Baby Trump, Your’e [sic] coming out of the Whitehouse [sic] Don’t forget first Vice President KAMALA Harris And President Biden is coming”
Multiple posters read “Young Black Lives Old Black Lives Gay Black Lives Trans Black Lives Non-Binary Black Lives Matter” and “Diversity Is The Future” “Black Trans Lives Matter” “Is anyone really surprised that DONALD TRUMP is trying to force himself on America after she said no!” “Abolition requires that we CHANGE one thing which is EVERYTHING” “Thank You Stacey Abrams and Black Voters Everywhere” “Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend did not shoot at police…..he shot at someone trying to break into his home” “57% of white people STILL voted for Trump ?!?!?!?!” “We Can’t Repeal Our Pre-Existing Conditions” “11/06/2020 You’re Fired! Get out of MY House!” “Reclaiming The People’s House” “Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere” “We DUMPed [sic] TRUMP!” “You Will Never Get Away With This” “Person Woman Man VOTE Biden Harris” “Mitch Don’t Forget Essential Workers” “Thank You Jim Clyburn Stacy Abrams! African Americans saved this country Again! Thank you!”
There is a poster with the black power fist on it and a rainbow drawn on the top right corner and a gold heart in the fist and it reads “All lives can’t matter until black’s minorily [sic] lives matter too ! Black Lives Matter [;] It takes more eff[illegible]”
A poster has a spray-painted image of a red rose on it and written over it reads “We’re all in this together ! Vote. Vote. Vote!! The Duty of a True Patriot is to Protect County from it’s Government!”
There is a green poster that has a silver spray-painted pyramid on it and a red spray-painted eye on top of it which seems to represent the Illuminati.
A poster reads “This Daughter of an Immigrant Dyke Voted Your White Supremacist Ass Out” and the word “dyke” is filled in with rainbow colors.
There is a poster that has a portrait of a black woman without a face and there is a thought bubble that reads “#SayHerName” and behind the portrait are names of women who died because of police brutality. Some names that are able to be seen read “Tanisha Anderson [illegible]arleena Lyles[;] Sandra [;] McKenna P[illegible] Turner [illegible] Gabriella [;] Miriam Carey [;] Shelly Frey [;] Malissa [illegible] [;] Shantel Davis [;] [illegible] [;] Sherese Fra[illegible] [;] Breonna Taylor”
A poster has an image of two hands reaching out to each other and it reads “Stop Separating Families #AbolishICE [;] What if it was your family?”
A poster reads “Sin Justicia No Habra Paz which translates into “Without Justice, there will not be Peace” and there is a drawing of a police car that is on fire.
A poster reads in Russian “в отставку Трамп Resign!” which translates to “Resign Trump Resign”
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 20 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is an image of the Memorial Fence and the Washington Monument behind it and there is a bike, chairs, coolers, and bags that are in front of the fence. People are in front of the fence and one is holding a poster protesting. Multiple posters read “Stop Killing Us” “Pay A Black Woman Today” “Black Lives Matter” “Resist" “We are the Majority” “Black Trans Lives Matter” “Trump Is A Danger To Us All” “White silence Fuels Domestic [illegible]” “#DefundMPD EndSARS” “Fuck Your Fence” “Join Campaign Zero” “#Say Their Names” “Jesus knows Black Lives Need More Than Thoughts & Prayers” “BLM” “Black Power” “End Qualified Immunity”.
Multiple posters read “Families Belong Together” “All Votes Matter” “Pack Your Shit, Don” “All Votes Matter” “Your Silence is Loud #BLM say their names” “Black Trans Lives Matter” “Black Lives Matter”
There is a pink heart that reads “alvin cole should still be here” “We Keep Us Safe” ”Rest in Power”
“You’re Fired” “Do No Harm.”
There is a poster that has an image of Meagan Hockaday and it reads “Meagan Hockaday 26 Yrs Old March 28, 2015” This is the date where she was shot and killed and the poster further reads “Defund Disarm Disband the Police”
On a yellow poster, it reads “The Revolution will be Accessible [;] Black Disabled Lives Matter”
A strip of fabric reads “RIP Jordan Edwards” and “Michelle Cusseau”
Part of a poster is visible, and it reads “MPD Refund DC”
A blue poster reads “Who’s the Loser Now? You’re Fired! From a Proud Veteran” and next to this reads “You Are Fired !!” that has writing on it and reads “It’s Over [;] Start Packing [;] Time To Concede”
There’s a poster that reads “Sashay away [;] Look how fucking orange you look !” Above this is part of a red poster that reads “National Organization For Women”
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 19 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is an image of the Memorial Fence and the Washington Monument behind it and there is a bike, chairs, coolers, and bags that are in front of the fence. People are in front of the fence and one is holding a poster protesting. Multiple posters read “Stop Killing Us” “Pay A Black Woman Today” “Black Lives Matter” “Resist “We are the Majority” “Black Trans Lives Matter” “Trump Is A Danger To Us All” “White silence Fuels Domestic [illegible]” “#DefundMPD EndSARS” “Fuck Your Fence” “Join Campaign Zero” “#Say Their Names” “Jesus knows Black Lives Need More Than Thoughts & Prayers”.
There is a poster that reads “We All Bleed The Same” and there is red paint on the poster that is splattered over it and red handprints. It also reads “BLM” in red. Underneath this is a circular poster that reads from the outside in going clockwise “Black Disabled Lives Matter – Black Trans Lives Matter – Black Incarcerated Lives Matter – Black Queer Lives Matter – Young Black Lives Matter – Poor Black Lives Matter – Old Black Lives Matter – All Black Lives Matter”
There is an image of a hand that is throwing away a container that has Donald Trump inside it and it reads “Vetepal’ carajo. Sincerely, Puerto Rico [which translates to Fuck Off] and there is a drawing of the Puerto Rican flag by the bottom of the poster.
There is a long tapestry that reads in red “Defend Democracy” and it has a rose before and after the statement as well as two held hands. Underneath this are multiple posters that read “Count Every Vote” “Donald Trump is a White Supremacist” “Fuck Trump” “Reform MPD @murielbowser” “Justice for Quawan Charles” “Divided We Fall” “Black Power Matters” “Genocide Looming Over Tigrayans Act Now! #StopWarOnTigray” “Solidarity Not Sympathy” “The People Have Spoken” “Class Dismissed Betsy!! #OnBehalfOfALLTeachers “If Your Religious Beliefs Oppose Contraception, Don’t Use It” “Color is not a Crime”
There is an image of Ruth Bader Ginsberg from her Times cover magazine.
Multiple posters read “Black Trans Lives Matter” and the poster has the colors of the trans flag which are blue, pink, and white. Some of these posters are of the American flag instead also read “Black Trans Lives Matter”.
There is a cloth sheet that reads “There’s a poster that reads “’I can’t breathe. I have my ID [illegible] My name is Elijah McClain. That’s my house. I was just going home. I’m an introvert. I’M JUST DIFFERENT. That’s all. I’M SO SORRY. I have [illegible] fun. I don’t do that stuff. I don’t do any fighting. Why are you attacking me? I don’t even kill flies! I don’t eat meat. I don’t judge people, I don’t judge people who do eat meat. Forgive me. All I was trying to do was become better. I will do it. I will [illegible] anything. Sacrifice my identity, I’ll do it. You all are phenomenal. You are beautiful and I love you. Try to forgive me. I’m a mood Gemini. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Ow, that really hurt. You all are very strong. Teamwork makes the dream work. Oh, I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to do that. I JUST CAN’T BREATHE CORRECTLY’ – Elijah McClain as he was being murdered on Aug. 24, 2019. Elijah was put in a chokehold and lost consciences. The paramedics injected him with ketamine. He suffered a heart attack and was declared Brain Dead. His killers – Nathan Woodyard & Jason Rosenblatt & Randy Roedema still work for the Aurora Police Department. DONATE TO [illegible] ELIJAHSFOUNDATION
One poster reads “Burn Down The AmeriKKKan Plantation” and there are drawn flames around the text. A poster next to this reads “If All You Came To Do Is Take Pics Take Your Performative A** Home Take Real Action”. Another reads “All Our Silences In The Face Of Racist Assaults Are Acts of Complicity – bell hooks” [name is not capitalized purposefully]
A poster reads “school house edu and there is a drawing of a blackboard that is in front of didn’t colored circles that are supposed to represent ‘people’. This blackboard reads “’I’m tired of waiting for the day my racial justice lesson can be a history lesson...not a current events lesson. BLACK LIVES MATTER!’”
A poster reads “I went to John Marshall Elem. School 50 yrs. Ago with the Day twins. 20 years before Sandra Day O’Connor was appointed to the Supreme Court."
There is a poster that is painted like an upside-down American flag that has two shadow hands that are painted on it.
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 13 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is a panoramic shot of the fence with the Washington Monument in the background. There are multiple flags, and sweatshirts attached to the fence as well as two people who are placing another flag on the fence. There are multiple chairs in front of the fence and two red stoplights that are shown. There is a large poster that reads “You’re FIRED You Stupid Fuck.” Other posters read “Resist” “Join Campaign Zero” “Loser” “Eviction Notice” “Black Power” and “Fuck Your Fence.”
There is a poster in a tree that reads “Protect Democracy From God” and behind a different fence a large black poster that reads “Black Lives Matter” with illegible wording underneath this because it’s blocked from the fence.
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 11 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is a panoramic shot of the fence with the Washington Monument in the background.
There are two American flags on the fence and a black flag that reads “Trump” and is covered with a red circle with a line through the word. There are suitcases and chairs in front of the fence.
There is a mask of Donald Trump that is on a cardboard “pipe” and it reads “I Enjoy Scat Sex” and there is a toothbrush mustache drawn on the mask. There is an image of Donald Trump’s head which has a toothbrush mustache drawn on.
Multiple posters read “What Are You Hiding?” “Jesus Knows Trump Is Deadly” “Trump is Guilty” and an image of the Puerto Rican flag. Other posters read “Loser” “We Are Better Than This” “White Silence is Violence!!!!!” “Yeah The Black Guy Did It.” And there is a drawn image of a black power fist on a poster
There is a tarp that is covering the fence and the posters from getting wet from the rain.
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 03 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is a panoramic shot of the fence with the Washington Monument in the background and all the posters and an orange and grey sweatshirt that are on poles that make them stand above the fence. There are coolers, chairs, a ladder, tarps, and various cups on the ground in front of the fence.
There are four white tarps that have drawn depictions of Donald Trump as a devil or a ghost and they reads from left to right “Halloween horror Voter Fraud” (this image is a drawing of Trump as a Devil and he is ripping a ballot in half), next reads “Tyranny’s ghost (a drawing of Trump as a ghost holding a MAGA sign), the third reads “Liar Liar Pants on Fire” (a drawing of Trump as a Devil and his pants are on fire), the last tarp reads “Dear Leader Gift of God?” (a drawing of Trump as a Devil and he is holding money in one hand and a cross in his other hand).
There is a large tarp that has an image of Ruth Bader Ginsberg and John Lewis and it reads “A foul rain falls – harder than ever. There was only an umbrella. But at least that. Forged from the blood of your brow. Sunny out!, they smile. Would that it were because justice is blind.” There is a piece of cardboard with writing on it that is faded and reads “Chaple Church of Lafayette, IN St. Elizabeth Hospital [;] Sex abuse Decon” And the rest is Illegible.
There is a picture of a protest that is going on and there are people holding posters that read “Black Lives Matter ! Trans Lives Matter !” and “I Didn’t Vote For Trump or Biden Be An Independent Thinker! #BestPossible[illegible]”
There is an image of a ceramic red “Make America Great Again” hat that is broken on the ground. -
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 31 October 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is a spray painted fist that reads "JUSTICE" on the side of the hand. A poster that reads "EVERYBODY OUT! Whether Trump tries to steal the election or Biden wins and tries to continue Trump's policies, we can get out in the streets together and stop them. Everybody out! For resources, tactics, and updates:" It has an image of the US Capital upside down with people falling from it onto the street of Washington D.C. that show protestors holding a sign that reads "THEY ALL MUST GO".
There is a horizontal shot of a part of the fence with multiple posters and in front of it is a headshot of Trump that has a Hitler mustache drawn on and a poster underneath which reads " Black, Trans, Woman's, Queer, Disabled Lives Matter! White silence is violence! The top of the poster reads All Black Lives Matter.
There are multiple posters that read “No Justice No Peace” Next to this poster are two photos of Michael Marshall and reads “November 2016…Rest in Power” as well as Bryan Overstreet reads “April 2015…Rest in Power”. Underneath this is a poster which reads “Black Trans Lives Matter printed on a trans flag background. There is another poster that reads “Black Lives Matter = Abolish The Police” with drawings of three pigs crossed out with a red X. Under this poster is one that reads “Protect Black Woman with a drawn gold crown and next to this is a poster which reads “Fuck Donald Trump” with Trump drawn as a pig.
There is a photo of a panoramic view of the BLM memorial fence showing many posters and BLM protestors in front of the Washington Monument with a bright orange sweatshirt hung up above the fence.