Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There’s an image of Rosie the Riveter and it reads “Grab Him By The Ballot!” and “ RN From VA” There are other words and statements written on the poster to look like tattoos that read” “Because Science” “USA” “Science [over] fear” and “Fauci”.
Multiple posters read “Become ungovernable!” “You’re Fired!” “The Whole World is Dancing!” “LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL not some” “Black Mental Health Matters” “To the left, to the left! Everything you own in the box to the left!” “AmeriKKKa” “You Didn’t Win The People’s Vote In 2016 Either And It Took 4 Years To Get You Out!” “I Love BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, Women, Immigrant, and Human Rights So I Vote” “Love Each Other And remember kids… ACAB”
There is a stylized drawn image of Donald Trump with an orange background, and it reads “Bye Don” and there is a sticker that reads “Dude Gotta Go Biden Harris 2020”
There is a poster that holds an eviction notice that reads “! Eviction NOTICE ! To: Donald J Trump We are terminating your tenancy and want to evict you from the following property: The White House (1600 Pennsylvania Ave) Our reason for evicting you is because YOU LOST! You must move from the property or remedy our reason for evicting you by the following date: January 20th, 2021. If you do not agree with this eviction notice you have the right to legal advice and may contact a lawyer. Name of Owner or Agent: Joe Biden Address of Owner or Agent: Soon to be 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Telephone Number: (202) 456 – 1111 Signature Joe Biden Date: November 7th, 2020”
There is a small cardboard figure of Donald Trump that reads “iLeARn tHE LaNgUGe![sic] #tinytrump”
Another poster reads “We Voted You’re Out!” with an image of Donald Trump and there is a speech bubble that reads “I’m Fired” and a “Biden Harris 2020” sticker.
There is a poster that has a drawing of Donald Trump and his hair is “flying off” and it reads “Guess He Lost It”
Another poster reads “Current Resident: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave EVICTED You Have 73 Days to get Your Shit and Clear Out”
"Bipoc Lives Matter Les Vies Napdc Comptent" is painted on the pavement in various colors. "Bipoc" is painted in yellow and the other words have multiple colors.
The mural was organized by Black Lives Matter Sudbury.
"We Support BIPOC" in block letters, "George Floyd" in cursive script, and a Black Power fist, with hearts and a peace sign, overlaid on colorful squares. Located on Sencha