"I can't breathe"/Last Words


"I can't breathe"/Last Words


These works focus the last words of George Floyd and others who have died through unjust acts of brutality, in the hands of a militarized police force.

Collection Items

Mama, I Can't Breathe - Don't Let Them Change The Narrative
Six stencils, each reading "MAMA I CAN'T BREATHE!" Red "Don't Let Them Change The Narrative!" to the right.

Mama I Can't Breathe / Defund Slavery
Repeated stencil text reading "Mama I Can't Breathe" on plywood

I Can't Breath
Large blue text reading "I Can't Breath" spray-painted on plywood on a boarded up bank (Bank Cherokee)

Simple white text in spray paint reading "MAMA." This is located on what was then an abandoned storefront that had previously been a Walmart.
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