#Pare O Abuso De Poder Street Mural, São Paulo, BR

- Creator
- Nos Artivistas
- Title
- #Pare O Abuso De Poder Street Mural, São Paulo, BR
- Coverage
- -23.612547, -46.699269
- Description
- #Pare O Abuso De Poder ("Stop Abuse of Power") is painted in white traffic paint on the pavement on one lane of a cable suspension bridge.
The mural was organized by Engenharia de Tráfego (CET) (The Traffic Engineering Company). - Source
- Image URL
News Coverage by CNN Brasil and Metro World News - Rights
- Creator: Nos Artivistas
Photographer: Eduardo Anizelli from Folhapress
Images are collected in this archive for educational purposes and are not intended for commercial use. Reproduction rights for all images remain with the creators/photographers when we are able to identify them.
We seek to identify artistic creators when they want to be identified, and we respect their rights to protect their identity should they choose to remain anonymous. Please contact us if you are the creator of work in this archive and you wish to be identified or if you wish for your work to be removed from the archive. - Publisher
- Urban Art Mapping Research Project
- Date
- 2020-12-27
- Contributor
- LA
- Identifier
- UAM-GF_3522
- Spatial Coverage
- Located on the Octávio Frias de Oliveira bridge
- Is Referenced By
- Stephen Larrick, Black Lives Matter Street Mural Census
Nos Artivistas , “#Pare O Abuso De Poder Street Mural, São Paulo, BR,” George Floyd & Anti-Racist Street Art , accessed February 13, 2025, https://georgefloydstreetart.omeka.net/items/show/3522.