Lori Greene
We Who Believe in Freedom Cannot Rest
1564 Lafond Ave, St. Paul, MN, USA
Painted on a yellow panel of plywood covering a door, orange, pink and purple flowers surround text reading "WE WHO BELIEVE IN FREEDOM CANNOT REST --ELLA BAKER."
Located on Mosaic on a Stick. This building was designed Clarence W. Wigington, the first Black municipal architect in the USA.
Located on Mosaic on a Stick. This building was designed Clarence W. Wigington, the first Black municipal architect in the USA.
Creator: Lori Greene (@lorigreeneartist)
Photographer: Heather Shirey
Images are collected in this archive for educational purposes and are not intended for commercial use. Reproduction rights for all images remain with the creators/photographers when we are able to identify them.
We seek to identify artistic creators when they want to be identified, and we respect their rights to protect their identity should they choose to remain anonymous. Please contact us if you are the creator of work in this archive and you wish to be identified or if you wish for your work to be removed from the archive.
Photographer: Heather Shirey
Images are collected in this archive for educational purposes and are not intended for commercial use. Reproduction rights for all images remain with the creators/photographers when we are able to identify them.
We seek to identify artistic creators when they want to be identified, and we respect their rights to protect their identity should they choose to remain anonymous. Please contact us if you are the creator of work in this archive and you wish to be identified or if you wish for your work to be removed from the archive.
Urban Art Mapping Research Project
Original Format
Plywood Panel