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Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 14 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is a deflated balloon of Trump which is on a poster, and it reads “#BabyGate” then has makeshift bars that read “Bunker Baby” that are on the balloon. Next to this is a red poster that reads “Vote Bunker Baby OUT.” A cardboard poster reads “AKA IN The White House PERIOD.”
A white poster reads “Say His Name: Daniel Prudei Murdered by RPD 3/31/2020 We Will Never Forget ” There is a cardboard poster that reads “JOE 2020 New Era” and this is inside the drawn blue circle. Another cardboard poster reads “Joe Biden |Kamala Harris |AOC |Bernie Sanders! DEMOCRACY WON ! THE PEOPLE WON! THE USA WON!” There is a statement on the fence that was created by small pieces of paper and reads “WE KEEP US SAFE” where “We Keep” is in orange “Us” is in blue and “Safe” is in white.
And a poster that reads “You Didn’t Win The People’s Vote In 2016 Either And It Took 4 Years To Get You Out!” it shows that many posters have been torn down from the fence as well. There is a poster that is lying on the ground that reads “Vote!” and there are words that have been written on the poster in white paint and black marker that read “Harm Reduction for Whom??” “#Oust [Rodrigo] Duterte + [Donald] Trump!” “Laban! Makibaka! [illegible] Go Beyond Electoral Politics”
Next to this is a black poster with yellow spray paint that is still hanging on the fence and reads “Black Men + [illegible] Black Lives” and there seems to be an image of a pig that was drawn. A cardboard poster reads “We The People VOTEd OUT Bunker B*tch (And [which is crossed out] Now, All The Other Racists.) @AudraKim Jun 7, 2020.”
Two glass windows have tape that has the LGBTQIA+ colors across it. Then there are different images of people protesting that have been cut out from newspaper articles. The word “Bye” is spelled out in green and yellow tape and has been repeated fifteen times on the glass.
There is a square box that reads “Trade” on the glass. Two posters read “Black Trans Lives Matter” and “ Hate Won't Make Us Great Vote Blue” and there is a checked mark in a box drawn on the poster. -
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 22 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is an image of the Memorial Fence and the Washington Monument behind it and there is a bike, chairs, coolers, and bags that are in front of the fence. People are in front of the fence and one is holding a poster protesting. Multiple posters read “Stop Killing Us” “Pay A Black Woman Today” “Black Lives Matter” “Resist “We are the Majority” “Black Trans Lives Matter” “Trump Is A Danger To Us All” “White silence Fuels Domestic [illegible]” “#DefundMPD EndSARS” “Fuck Your Fence” “Join Campaign Zero” “#Say Their Names” “Jesus knows Black Lives Need More Than Thoughts & Prayers”. There is also a Mexican flag hanging from the stoplight
A poster reads “Baby Trump, Your’e [sic] coming out of the Whitehouse [sic] Don’t forget first Vice President KAMALA Harris And President Biden is coming”
Multiple posters read “Young Black Lives Old Black Lives Gay Black Lives Trans Black Lives Non-Binary Black Lives Matter” and “Diversity Is The Future” “Black Trans Lives Matter” “Is anyone really surprised that DONALD TRUMP is trying to force himself on America after she said no!” “Abolition requires that we CHANGE one thing which is EVERYTHING” “Thank You Stacey Abrams and Black Voters Everywhere” “Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend did not shoot at police…..he shot at someone trying to break into his home” “57% of white people STILL voted for Trump ?!?!?!?!” “We Can’t Repeal Our Pre-Existing Conditions” “11/06/2020 You’re Fired! Get out of MY House!” “Reclaiming The People’s House” “Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere” “We DUMPed [sic] TRUMP!” “You Will Never Get Away With This” “Person Woman Man VOTE Biden Harris” “Mitch Don’t Forget Essential Workers” “Thank You Jim Clyburn Stacy Abrams! African Americans saved this country Again! Thank you!”
There is a poster with the black power fist on it and a rainbow drawn on the top right corner and a gold heart in the fist and it reads “All lives can’t matter until black’s minorily [sic] lives matter too ! Black Lives Matter [;] It takes more eff[illegible]”
A poster has a spray-painted image of a red rose on it and written over it reads “We’re all in this together ! Vote. Vote. Vote!! The Duty of a True Patriot is to Protect County from it’s Government!”
There is a green poster that has a silver spray-painted pyramid on it and a red spray-painted eye on top of it which seems to represent the Illuminati.
A poster reads “This Daughter of an Immigrant Dyke Voted Your White Supremacist Ass Out” and the word “dyke” is filled in with rainbow colors.
There is a poster that has a portrait of a black woman without a face and there is a thought bubble that reads “#SayHerName” and behind the portrait are names of women who died because of police brutality. Some names that are able to be seen read “Tanisha Anderson [illegible]arleena Lyles[;] Sandra [;] McKenna P[illegible] Turner [illegible] Gabriella [;] Miriam Carey [;] Shelly Frey [;] Malissa [illegible] [;] Shantel Davis [;] [illegible] [;] Sherese Fra[illegible] [;] Breonna Taylor”
A poster has an image of two hands reaching out to each other and it reads “Stop Separating Families #AbolishICE [;] What if it was your family?”
A poster reads “Sin Justicia No Habra Paz which translates into “Without Justice, there will not be Peace” and there is a drawing of a police car that is on fire.
A poster reads in Russian “в отставку Трамп Resign!” which translates to “Resign Trump Resign”
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 27 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
A poster reads “This Daughter of an Immigrant Dyke Voted Your White Supremacist Ass Out” and the word “dyke” is filled in with rainbow colors.
There is a ladder, lawn chairs, and multiple posters, with some on the ground as well that read “Proud Boys Are Little BITCHES” “Justice For Karon” “Biden Kamala 2021” ”Welcome 1st Woman Vice President” “White silence Fuels Domestic Terrorism” “Goodbye 2020” “Retire to Russia” “Fuck Your Fence” “Fuck Your White Supremacy” “Black Power” “The Whole Damn System Is Racist As Hell” “In Solidarity” “LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL not some” “FUCK Trump is corrupt too! @RemiBux333”
There is a poster that reads “Black Lives Matter” repeatedly on it six times, and there is a black power fist painted on top of this.
There is a large black poster that reads “#StopMPD Black Lives Matter”
There are multiple photographs of victims of police brutality and they read “Anthony Hill March 2015 Rest In Power” “Rest In Power Henry Lee Sr.” “Rest In Power Emantic Fitzgerald Bradford Jr November 22, 2018” “Kevin Higginbotham March 12, 2016” “Rest In Power James Anderson” “Victo Larosa III July 2015 Rest In Power” “[illegible]n Harrison June 14, 2015 Rest In Power”
There is a poster that reads “Black Trans Lives Matter” and the poster has the colors of the transgender flag which is blue, pink, and white.
There is a poster that has the image of the American flag on it and it reads “Black Lives Matter”.
There is an image of an oil can and has a headshot of Joe Biden on it and it reads “Uncle Joe’s Restore -A- Country Now with [illegible] Agents Special Democracy Formulation CAUTION: Contents under pressure Red. TM. [illegible] 10/22/2020 #restore[illegible]”
There is a poster that shows two interlocking hands and is holding up a scale that is traditionally seen as held by Lady Justice and it reads “’There Can Be No Love Without Justice’ – bell hooks Black Lives Matter” and the Instagram handle of the artist is on the poster as well which reads “@brianonymous”
There is a poster that reads “Support Protect Listen Fight For Your Black Friends” and there are four different colored stickers which are pink, purple, green, and red respectively with stars on the poster that each read “Support Your Black Friends” “Protect Your Black Friends” “Listen To Your Black Friends” “Fight Your Black Friends” and then the Instagram Handle of the artist which reads “@KellynsStickas -
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 29 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is a stylized poster of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. It shows her wearing pins that read “I dissent” and the symbol representing female sex. The poster itself reads “The Majority Opinion!”
Multiple posters read “Concede You sullen, irascible, misogynistic, racist MAN-CHILD” “#GunsDownFriday Maurice Scott #Say His Name” “…in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor” “Cops Support Racists #Fuck12” “Abolish Prisons Save Black Lives”.
A poster reads “11/06/2020 You’re Fired! Get out of MY House!” and there is small writing on this that reads “Amen To This”
The poster is a lavender color and has an image of an eye in the middle with a teardrop as the pupil and circles extending outwards from the eye and it reads “We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For” encircling the eye.
There is a transgender flag on the fence that is pink, white, and blue and reads “Black Trans Lives Matter."
There is part of a green poster that shows an eye that is over a pyramid.
There is a poster that reads “Cops Who Murder Turn in Your Badge” which has been rained on and the color is bleeding. There is a washed-out drawing of a cop badge and with the word “murder” there are blood stains drawn.
There is a poster of a postage mailbox with two envelopes, and it reads “Thank a Postal Worker Today”
There is a poster that has names of Black Trans Women who were victims of police brutality, and it reads “Dana Martin, 31; Ellie Marie Washtock, 38; Ashanti Carmon, 27; Claire Legato, 21; Muhlaysia Booker, 23; Michelle ‘Tamika’ Washington, 40; Paris Cameron, 20; Titi Gulley, 31; Chynal Lindsey, 26; Chanel Scurlock, 23; Zoe Spears, 23; Brooke Lindsey, 32; And Thousands More. Protect Black Trans Women. Rest in Power.”
There is a poster that reads “A…racisthomophobiczenophobicislamophobiclyingthievingunfaithfulconnivingunpatriotccowardlydumballegedpedophileallegedrapistmisoginisticcrankydimwittedcravendaughter-oglingsmall-handedwhoringvaingreedydraft-dodgingwhinyAFman-baby……says what?” and it has an image of Donald Trump’s head on it with a speech bubble coming from him that reads “What?” and in the corner of the poster reads “Biden 20[star symbol]”
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 30 November 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is an image of the Memorial Fence and the Washington Monument behind it. There are a bike, chairs, coolers, protesters, and bags that are in front of the fence. People are in front of the fence and one is holding a poster protesting. Multiple posters read “Stop Killing Us” “Pay A Black Woman Today” “Black Lives Matter” “Resist “We are the Majority” “Black Power” “Defeat White Supremacy” “Sex Is Great But Have You Ever Fucked The System” “ Fuck Your Fence “ We See Another Black Man Murdered” Imagine Justice” “Just Love” “Beware of the Dog” “Black Trans Lives Matter” “Trump Is A Danger To Us All” “White silence Fuels Domestic [illegible]” “#DefundMPD EndSARS” “Fuck Your Fence” “Join Campaign Zero” “#Say Their Names” “White Supremacy is Deadly” “State of Injustice” “Protect Democracy From GOP” “Jesus knows Black Lives Need More Than Thoughts & Prayers”. There is also a Mexican flag hanging from the stoplight and a flag that reads “Fuck Trump” There is a poster with a drawing of two black power fists raised and Colin Kaepernick taking a knee. There is a mask of Donald Trump with a Hitler mustache drawn on and a drawing of Breonna Taylor. There are protestors in front of the fence sitting and standing, and one person is holding a flag and waving it.
Multiple posters read “Abolish Prisons Save Black Lives” “Quit your job, MPD! You class traitor fascist evil racist sexist asswipes!!” “Defund MPD” “Defend Black Lives” “Black Lives Matter”
There is a transgender flag on the fence which is pink, white, and blue and reads “Black Trans Lives Matter."
There is a painted image of a man with blue white and black paint with his eyes closed that reads “Free Your Mind.” There are small quotes written on the poster that read “Black futures matter” “Black joy matters” “No human is illegal on stolen land” “Black Trans Lives Matter! “BLM 4 Ever” “Stop Killing Us -Laiah Ban[illegible]” “Just. Be. Kind.” “Seriously” “Why Do You Hate Black People So Much” “Black Men We Love You!” There are two other images on the poster that are too blurry to determine.
A poster reads “Think Outside Your Carceral State of Mind Imagine Abolition”
There is a poster that has a drawing of a US postage mail box. Underneath this is another poster that has been washed out and the only legible word is “Badge”.
There is a poster that has a black power fist which was painted in different colors that are navy, purple, green, pink, orange, and light blue.
There is a close-up of the fabrics and shows four different pieces hanging on a string on the fence with different patterns and colors and writing on them. They are orange, purple, black/white, and a red checkered pattern. Respectively there is a small white square in the middle of the fabric squares and they read “Carlos Alcis 1970-2013” “Frankie Ann Perkins 1997” “Remember Them” “Dreasjon Reed 1999-2020” “Larry Eugene Jackson Jr.”
There are fifteen pieces of fabric that are hanging on a string on the fence with different patterns and colors and writing on them. They read “Alisia Tromae” “Laquan McDonald” “Manuel ‘Mannie’ Ellis” “William Howard Green Jr.” “Chad Robertson” “Michael Lee Marshall” “Carlos Alcis” “Frankie Ann Perkins 1997” “Remember Them” “Dreasjon Reed 1999-2020” “Larry Eugene Jackson Jr.” “Deborah C
The poster is a lavender color and an image of an eye in the middle with a teardrop as the pupil and circles extending outwards from the eye and it reads “We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For” encircling the eye.
There is a poster that reads “A…racisthomophobiczenophobicislamophobiclyingthievingunfaithfulconnivingunpatriotccowardlydumballegedpedophileallegedrapistmisoginisticcrankydimwittedcravendaughter-oglingsmall-handedwhoringvaingreedydraft-dodgingwhinyAFman-baby……says what?” and it has an image of Donald Trump’s head on it with a speech bubble coming from him that reads “What?” and in the corner of the poster reads “Biden 20[star symbol]” On Donald Trump’s head is a black square and a red swastika and reads “Secure Your Place In The Future”