The mural consists of the words “Black Lives Matter” painted in yellow and it stretches around 700 feet from City Hall down to the Pasquotank County Library.
"Unite Against Racism" is painted on the pavement. Each letter on the mural has its own theme with words like ‘Power to the People’ and ‘Black Votes Matter’ painted inside.
"One Love" is painted in yellow on the street. Inside of the "O" in "One" there is a black number 1, and inside of the "O" in "Love," there is a black heart.
"Black Lives Matter" is painted in various colors on the pavement.
There were a number of artists who worked on the mural.
Lead Artists:
Joseph Pearson - Lead artist for the word "Black"
Jenny Pickens - Lead artist for the word "Lives"
Marie T. Cochran - Lead artist for the word "Matter"
Supporting Artists:
Dustin Spagnola, Jas Washington, Autumn Nelson, Ovidio Acevedo, James Love, Michael Barnard, Walter Dickenson, CJ Randell, Beth Ivey, Timothy Davidson, LaKisha Blount, Rahkie Mateen, Kela K. Hunt & Trey Miles, Broderick Flanigan, and Faustine McDonald