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Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 23 October 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
There is a laminated paper that was written by Elisheva Wyns (9 years old) and it reads “Wy[sic] is ther [sic] so much hate? PePole [sic] should not be shamd [sic] of the way ther [sic] skin coler [sic] is, they should be proud of is [sic]! We need to Love each other, as the Bible says (Love your naber [sic] as your self). We neeb [sic] to love each othe [sic] okay! Blak [sic] Lives Matter! You got that! Pray that PePole [sic] Who hate Black PePole [sic] will soon love Will stop hateing [sic] them.” Here is a drawing of two hands where the palms are facing each other representing a black hand and a white hand and they are encapsulated by a pink heart. Next to this is a raindrop with a face that is depicted as saying “Come to gether [sic]!” And a heart under this in a speech bubble.
There is an outline of a peace sign that is made up of string and there are strips of fabric that are tied around the peace sign with names of those who have lost their lives to police brutality and others that reads “Black Lives Matter.” A deflated balloon is attached to the fence and above this is a sign that reads “Their Lives Mattered.” A smaller cardboard poster reads “Don’t HOLD your VOTE… We said: Black Lives Matter, We know: All Lives Matter, Never said: Only Black Lives Matter, But if you Hold your Vote: None of [illegible] Matters.” With the writing on this poster being faded out.
A white poster that reads “No Barrett, No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA, Fuck Your White Supremacy.” The last statement is written with white ink and has a black background to contrast with the white of the poster. Underneath this is a picture of the white house that is taped onto the poster.
There are multiple posters that read “Honor Her Dying Wish MotherFucker”, “McConell: Relief to People in need, Not Black Checks to Billionaires”, “Vote Bunker Baby OUT” your hatred Racial Slurs and Ignorance do NOT define me... “#Nation in Distress #JacobBlane #NativeLivesMatter #DumpTrump #fuckthe Police #DemilitarizethePolice #Antifa #BLMSolidarity # #NoJusticeNoPeace #KnowJusticeKnowPeace #Rules of Engagement #EscalationofForce Respect our Existence or Expect our Resistance.” There is a red poster that reads “WHAT CAN I DO? Donate, act, and (please) VOTE” which is on a red posterboard. There is a deflated balloon of Trump which is on a poster and It reads “#BabyGate” then has makeshift bars that read “Bunker Baby” that are on the balloon.
There was a silhouette of Donald Trump that is facing to the left and inside the silhouette reads “WRONG” in white letters that contrast the silhouette.
Protest signs and artwork on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, Date: 25 September 2020
Protest signs and posters on the Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence, located on the north side of Lafayette Park in Washington D.C.
These photos capture signs with text that read "If you aren't Anti-Racist You are Complicit!", "White silence fuels Domestic Terrorism", "Justice for Breonna", "Black Lives Matters".
A close up on a sticker on an orange construction sign says "Stop Killing Black People". Further posters that read "Our Black Lives Matter", "Say Her Name" "Know Justice Know Peace" and other text are on posters.
There are further posters that have been spray painted over with black paint as well as a raised fist and more text on surrounding pages. -
Silence is Violence storefront
Large storefront painted with blocks of color, text, and symbols representing peace and love. Text reads "Silence is Violence," "Know Justice Know Peace," and more. -
Know Justice Know Peace/No Justice No Peace
A portrait of George Floyd set against a red background with text reading "Know Justice Know Peace" and "No Justice No Peace."