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  • Tags: Community

A portrait of George Floyd in black and white tones with expertly-lettered text reading "Justice 4 George." The image also includes the scales of justice and pink and white flowers, set against a blue background. The second panel reads "Community"…

Text and images across a store front reading "Together We Rise," "Paint for Peace!" "Love," "Hope," "George Floyd," and more. Imagery includes peace signs, flowers, and the sun. Painted on plywood boarding up windows on lower level of a housing…

A storefront with a variety of text and images. Text includes "George Floyd Matters" and "Resistance is Power" and "Community Medicine." Images include flowers and a butterfly.

A large yard sign reading "I CAN'T BREATH" with additional text reading "We Are a Community" and "Share your Thoughts." Many additional writers have added to this collaborative piece.

Part of a larger George Floyd Mural, with text reading “community.”
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